The Make-A-Wish Foundation claims that their “brand” is the reason, here are some of the search results from and how many results were received.

*Warning!* Contains Some Adult Content as Proof!

I want to make sure to say that I am Not Asking for a Boycott!

I just want to present this information to the public so that the question at hand can be answered fully. I still believe in the work that Make-A-Wish does for children and hope that they can continue to do so! But I feel that equal rights should be shared by all... not just by some! Rules and policies should apply to all people and all companies or none!

Find some UPDATES on this very important situation! Some developments have been happening, read about them here! Click Here!

More Information! There is a reason why this is important to me, but also why I am having a hard time moving forward with trying to make the situation right! Click Here!

Screenshots of Actual Websites! These sites or organizations support Make-A-Wish, they contain adult content, firearms or LGBTQ+ references and products. Click Here!

These are some of the search terms done on! Want to see just how much of a "brand fit" a major supporter is? Click Here!

Download the Press Release! Want to get a copy of the Press Release in PDF format? Click Here!

Download the search terms done on! Get a copy of the keywords list and the results in PDF format. Click Here! Search Results

Keyword Term - Number of Results

“sex”  - Over 200,000
“ass”  - Over 60,000
“lgbtq”  - Over 10,000
“gay”  - Over 100,000
“lesbian”  - Over 80,000
“homo”  - Over 8,000
“fag”  - Over 2,000
“dildo”  - Over 3,000
“vibrator”  - Over 7,000
“dick”  - Over 60,000
“free sex”  - Over 30,000
“group sex”  - Over 20,000
“bisexual”  - Over 20,000
“transgender”  - Over 10,000
“queer”  - Over 10,000
“bondage”  - Over 20,000
“alcoholic drinks”  - Over 7,000
“free sex coupon”  - 249
“liquor”  - Over 20,000
“vodka”  - Over 10,000
“beer”  - Over 100,000
“slut”  - Over 10,000
“fuck”  - Over 60,000
“shit”  - Over 60,000
“cock”  - Over 20,000
“cum”  - Over 10,000
“porn”  - Over 100,000
“marijuana” -  Over 20,000
“gun”  - Over 100,00
“sex toy” & “sex toys”*This was such a LARGE search that I could not get a number and it was broken into multiple categories and departments. 

*Warning!* Contains Some Adult Content as Proof!

Find some UPDATES on this very important situation! Some developments have been happening, read about them here! Click Here!

More Information! There is a reason why this is important to me, but also why I am having a hard time moving forward with trying to make the situation right! Click Here!

Screenshots of Actual Websites! These sites or organizations support Make-A-Wish, they contain adult content, firearms or LGBTQ+ references and products. Click Here!

These are some of the search terms done on! Want to see just how much of a "brand fit" a major supporter is? Click Here!

Download the Press Release! Want to get a copy of the Press Release in PDF format? Click Here!

Download the search terms done on! Get a copy of the keywords list and the results in PDF format. Click Here!

Make-A-Wish, Discrimination or Hypocrisy?